Problem: You need smaller quantities and quick turnaround.


That’s no problem at all with Greer Steel. All of our products are available in minimum orders of 6,000 pounds so you can manage your inventory more efficiently. You can also count on Greer Steel for short lead times on production orders; high carbon orders can be turned in six weeks, while low carbon orders can turn in as little as two weeks.

For even smaller orders and faster leads, our dedicated Ferndale, Michigan service center is set up to provide you with a full range of strip steel in quantities as small as 100 pounds and with turnaround as fast as 48 hours.

Problem: Yields aren’t as high as you would like them to be.

Are you experiencing lower-than-expected yields, when you consider the volume and costs of your raw materials? You should consider production yields relative to steel quality and the finish of your input steel.


Specify Greer Steel low carbon steels. You’ll get higher yields even on the most demanding forming operations. Exceptional finish and gauge tolerances allow faster speeds, more parts per coil, and less waste for improved productivity and profitability.

Review our available product specifications below, and order a standard spec or custom production to meet your needs.

Cold Rolled Low Carbon Strip Steel

L.C. GRADES:    1008, 1010, 1018, 1019, 1020, and 1024

THICKNESS:  .020″ to .187″ (lighter or heavier upon inquiry)

WIDTH:           1/2″ to 26″ (narrower or wider upon inquiry)

FINISHES:      No. 1 matte (30 max Ra), No. 2 (20 max Ra), Lite Bright (10 max Ra), No. 2B Best Bright (5 max Ra), No. 3 appliance finish (2 max Ra) (various brush and pattern finishes available upon inquiry)

EDGES:            Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (other edge contours upon inquiry)

TEMPERS:      #1 full hard, #2, #3, #4, #5 dead soft

Cold Rolled High Carbon and Alloy Strip Steel/Flat Wire

H.C. GRADES:    C-1035 through C-1095

THICKNESS:  .020″ to .187″ (lighter or heavier upon inquiry)

WIDTH:           1/2″ to 26″ (narrower or wider upon inquiry)

FINISHES:      No. 1 matte (30 max Ra), No. 2 (20 max Ra), No. 2B Best Bright (5 max Ra) (brush finishes available upon inquiry)

EDGES:            Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (for grades 1070 and higher, the edge is not fully healed)

TEMPERS:      Hard rolled, intermediate tempers, spheroidized annealed; H.S.L.A. AIS/SAE grades 45 – 80 (not standard items but available upon inquiry depending on volume)

Cold Rolled Low Carbon Flat Wire

GRADES:             1008/1010, 1035, 1045, 1055

THICKNESS:  .025″ to .187″ (lighter or heavier upon inquiry)

WIDTH:           1/4″ to 1/2″ (narrower or wider upon inquiry)

EDGES:            Nos. 1 rd, 1 sq, 3, 4, 5, 6

TEMPERS:    #1 full hard, #2, #3, #4, #5 dead soft


We focus on the success of our customers. Our flexibility and adaptability enable us to deliver what you need, when you need it.

Problem: Difficulty in making product with current material.


Greer Steel’s Technical group can review your application to determine if there is an alternate grade, chemistry or physical condition that can be offered to enhance material performance. Options include but are not limited to:

  • Restricted/modified chemistries
  • Limited guage tolerances
  • Surface finish solutions (restricted Ra, duplex finish, LaserMatte, etc.)
  • Restricted/modified Rockwell/T-Y-E ranges
  • Alternate products (Ultra High Strength, Alloy, Stainless, etc.)

Problem: Looking for methods to reduce processing costs.

Are your manufacturing costs creeping up? Is the cost of replacing tools and dies and downtime of your manufacturing process cutting into your profits?


Greer Steel’s tight tolerance cold rolled strip steel. Purchasing a tighter tolerance product allows for:

  • Greater part to part consistency
  • Higher yields
  • Reduced tooling wear and associated down time

Problem: High labor costs.

Are you experiencing high labor costs because you employ top workers to detect inconsistencies and change coils frequently? Do you have a goal of lowering the labor costs in steel products?


Greer Steel strip. The extremely tight tolerances and product consistency of Greer Steel strip means the material provides more parts per coil, runs better in your presses, reduces downtime and allows one operator to run several presses. Quality remains high, and labor costs are cut significantly.

Problem: Not getting satisfactory magnetic response from low carbon motor or relay parts.

Is the magnetic response of materials in your project a high priority? Are the low carbon motor parts not displaying the magnetic response required?


Greer Steel’s magnetic quality ultra-low carbon strip steel. This steel provides the low carbon needed for superior magnetic response yet does not require expensive decarburizing anneals. Maximum coercive force as-shipped and after part stress relief anneal meets typical industry standards of 2.8-3.0 Oe and 0.80 Oe max., respectively.

The magnetic response of materials is important in various applications, and the amount of ferrite and the type of cold working can affect magnetic response in steel.

Learn more about our magnetic quality ultra-low carbon strip steel by contacting us today.

You can be confident in our assertion, because we have the testing technology to back up our statements.

Problem: Need to improve surface quality and get longer tool life when fine blanking.


Greer Steel “fine blank quality” high carbon and alloy grades. Using a proprietary (we could tell you but we would have to shoot you) processing and annealing technique, the internal structure of the steel is modified. The result is better blanked surface finish so runs are longer and tool life is extended.

Problem: Can’t find a way to eliminate costly, time-consuming grinding, buffing and polishing.

Are you in need of a mirror finish for a commercial product, but the cost and time required to create the finish is a barrier to your bottom line?


Greer Steel No. 3 Best Bright and No. 2 Best Bright. Offering a mirror finish, these steels can help you realize considerable savings. Ideal for bumper stock, mirror backs, motorcycle components and appliance applications, Greer Steel’s bright finish products can help you eliminate all pre-plating processes.

Best Bright Steel Advantages

Cold-rolled strip steel buyers generally specify one of the following four levels of finish:

  • No. 1 or Matte (Dull) Finish: A dull finish that is good for painting or for a surface that needs to adhere to lubricating fluid.
  • No. 2 or Regular Bright Finish: This is a popular finish, but not shiny and reflective.
  • No. 2B or Better Bright Finish: A smooth finish suitable for those plating applications where high luster is not required.
  • No. 3 or Best Bright Finish: This is the premier finish for cold-rolled steel, which requires special rolling practices. No. 3 Best Bright is very difficult to produce and is used for bright plating. It must be carefully processed, supervised and inspected — just the kind of elite treatment that is our specialty at Greer Steel.

Greer Steel is North America’s only producer of No. 3 Best Bright, which is an appliance finish with chrome plating quality.

Problem: Spending a small fortune on heat treating high carbon spring steel.

Are you spending too much or exceeding your budget heat treating high carbon spring steel? Is heat treatment par for the course in your production process? Would you eliminate the time and cost of heat treatment if you could?


Greer Steel’s HSLA steels. GS 125® and GS150® steels can frequently provide enough strength and ductility to allow you to eliminate heat treating. Our GS80 HSLA can provide hot rolled strength and ductility in a cold rolled strip down to .020″.

Every day, Greer Steel products are successfully put to work in thousands of applications.  Customers come to us for solutions that enable them to meet the demands of their customers.

A higher quality HSLA steel that doesn’t require heat treatment can save you money and time in the long run, and provide a better solution for the end user.

Problem: Looking for greater formability, lower hardness and higher elongations.


Greer Steel offers a large array of high formability products to fit your needs.

Low-carbon – Greer Steel Ultra Form (see Greer Steel Data sheet GS-376) offers enhanced Extra Deep Draw properties, while minimizing the potential for strain lines and orange peel texture on the finished product.

High Strength Low Alloy – Greer Steel “Improved Formability” High Strength grades offer improved elongation values while maintaining required minimum yield and tensile  values on 50-80 ksi min. yield grades (see Greer Steel Data sheet SG-369)

High-Carbon – Greer Steel spheroidized annealed products are processed in 100% hydrogen Ebner anneal bases. These products can be produced to maximum Rockwell values below those called out in ASTM A684.