Problem: Yields aren’t as high as you would like them to be.
Are you experiencing lower-than-expected yields, when you consider the volume and costs of your raw materials? You should consider production yields relative to steel quality and the finish of your input steel.
Specify Greer Steel low carbon steels. You’ll get higher yields even on the most demanding forming operations. Exceptional finish and gauge tolerances allow faster speeds, more parts per coil, and less waste for improved productivity and profitability.
Review our available product specifications below, and order a standard spec or custom production to meet your needs.
Cold Rolled Low Carbon Strip Steel
L.C. GRADES: 1008, 1010, 1018, 1019, 1020, and 1024
THICKNESS: .020″ to .187″ (lighter or heavier upon inquiry)
WIDTH: 1/2″ to 26″ (narrower or wider upon inquiry)
FINISHES: No. 1 matte (30 max Ra), No. 2 (20 max Ra), Lite Bright (10 max Ra), No. 2B Best Bright (5 max Ra), No. 3 appliance finish (2 max Ra) (various brush and pattern finishes available upon inquiry)
EDGES: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (other edge contours upon inquiry)
TEMPERS: #1 full hard, #2, #3, #4, #5 dead soft
Cold Rolled High Carbon and Alloy Strip Steel/Flat Wire
H.C. GRADES: C-1035 through C-1095
THICKNESS: .020″ to .187″ (lighter or heavier upon inquiry)
WIDTH: 1/2″ to 26″ (narrower or wider upon inquiry)
FINISHES: No. 1 matte (30 max Ra), No. 2 (20 max Ra), No. 2B Best Bright (5 max Ra) (brush finishes available upon inquiry)
EDGES: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (for grades 1070 and higher, the edge is not fully healed)
TEMPERS: Hard rolled, intermediate tempers, spheroidized annealed; H.S.L.A. AIS/SAE grades 45 – 80 (not standard items but available upon inquiry depending on volume)
Cold Rolled Low Carbon Flat Wire
GRADES: 1008/1010, 1035, 1045, 1055
THICKNESS: .025″ to .187″ (lighter or heavier upon inquiry)
WIDTH: 1/4″ to 1/2″ (narrower or wider upon inquiry)
EDGES: Nos. 1 rd, 1 sq, 3, 4, 5, 6
TEMPERS: #1 full hard, #2, #3, #4, #5 dead soft
We focus on the success of our customers. Our flexibility and adaptability enable us to deliver what you need, when you need it.