Entries by Greer Steel

Problem: Yields aren’t as high as you would like them to be.

Are you experiencing lower-than-expected yields, when you consider the volume and costs of your raw materials? You should consider production yields relative to steel quality and the finish of your input steel. Solution: Specify Greer Steel low carbon steels. You’ll get higher yields even on the most demanding forming operations. Exceptional finish and gauge tolerances […]

Problem: Difficulty in making product with current material.

Solution: Greer Steel’s Technical group can review your application to determine if there is an alternate grade, chemistry or physical condition that can be offered to enhance material performance. Options include but are not limited to: Restricted/modified chemistries Limited guage tolerances Surface finish solutions (restricted Ra, duplex finish, LaserMatte, etc.) Restricted/modified Rockwell/T-Y-E ranges Alternate products […]

Problem: Looking for methods to reduce processing costs.

Are your manufacturing costs creeping up? Is the cost of replacing tools and dies and downtime of your manufacturing process cutting into your profits? Solution Greer Steel’s tight tolerance cold rolled strip steel. Purchasing a tighter tolerance product allows for: Greater part to part consistency Higher yields Reduced tooling wear and associated down time

Problem: High labor costs.

Are you experiencing high labor costs because you employ top workers to detect inconsistencies and change coils frequently? Do you have a goal of lowering the labor costs in steel products? Solution: Greer Steel strip. The extremely tight tolerances and product consistency of Greer Steel strip means the material provides more parts per coil, runs […]

Problem: Not getting satisfactory magnetic response from low carbon motor or relay parts.

Is the magnetic response of materials in your project a high priority? Are the low carbon motor parts not displaying the magnetic response required? Solution: Greer Steel’s magnetic quality ultra-low carbon strip steel. This steel provides the low carbon needed for superior magnetic response yet does not require expensive decarburizing anneals. Maximum coercive force as-shipped […]